How to Treat White Spots on Teeth

Are you noticing irregular white spots on your tooth enamel? Do you want a more balanced white smile? Irregular white spots on your teeth may indicate tooth decay, weakened enamel, or other oral health problems. While most of these problems are harmless, some causes of white spots can damage the tooth enamel. As your local cosmetic dentist in Gouverneur, NY, we want to help you get a brighter, more balanced smile to address white spots.

How to Treat White Spots on Teeth

What Are the Causes of White Spots on Teeth?

Some of the most common causes of white, irregular spots on the tooth enamel include:

  • Braces: If patients do not care for their smiles properly during orthodontic treatment, calculus can build up on the teeth. This buildup is apparent after patients complete braces treatment and see a white spot on the middle of each tooth.
  • Fluorosis: Fluoride is a natural mineral that helps strengthen the tooth enamel. However, too much fluoride, typically consumed through childhood, can create inconsistent colors in the enamel. Fluorosis is harmless but affects the aesthetics of the smile.
  • Demineralization: Tooth demineralization occurs when patients lose key minerals that strengthen their teeth. Losing these minerals can create white spots on the enamel and weaken teeth, contributing to permanent tooth damage.

Treating White Spots

There are multiple treatment options that we offer for patients with white spots in our office:

  • Dental Cleanings: We offer thorough cleanings at regular dental appointments to remove plaque and tartar from the teeth and gums. White spots caused by poor oral hygiene can fade with a solid oral hygiene routine and professional dental cleanings. Make sure that you use a fluoride toothpaste that does not contain abrasives. Abrasive toothpaste can potentially damage your teeth, especially if you are experiencing demineralization. Fluoride can help remineralize your enamel.
  • Teeth Whitening: We also offer our patients professional in-office and take-home whitening treatments. Patients can receive quick results with in-office treatment. Alternatively, if patients have sensitive teeth, we will recommend take-home treatment.
  • Porcelain Veneers: Dental veneers are thin, shell-like treatments that cover the front of the tooth enamel. If patients have tooth damage or white spots that will not react to cleanings or whitening treatment, we can create a more balanced look with veneers. Veneers cover the teeth in the smile line, or those that show when smiling. Patients who choose veneers must be committed to covering their teeth permanently because veneers require tooth preparation.

Remove irregular white spots on your teeth to create a consistent, bright smile. Call Dr. Gardner for treatment today at (315) 203-1772. You can also schedule a dental consultation with us online. Ask us any questions about white spots and your treatment options at your next visit.