Are Root Canals Painful?

Do you have a cavity but aren’t looking forward to root canal treatment? Many patients think that a root canal is a highly painful treatment. Sometimes, patients will avoid the dentist even if they have a tooth abscess because they fear extreme pain and discomfort. However, our office makes sure that patients feel as relaxed as possible when we provide root canal treatment and dental fillings. Learn more about how we provide comfortable root canal treatment in our Gouverneur, NY dental office.

Comfortable Root Canal in Gouverneur, New York

Why Do Dental Infections Cause Pain?

A dental infection happens when harmful bacteria enter a tooth. If patients do not brush, floss, or visit the dentist for regular dental cleanings, they are more likely to develop a tooth infection. After harmful bacteria enter a tooth, it inflames the dental pulp within the tooth. The dental pulp is made of nerves and blood vessels that keep the tooth alive. Once harmful bacteria infect the dental pulp, a patient can feel tooth pain and sensitivity.

Over time, dental infections create cavities or holes in the enamel that expose more of the tooth. Cavities create more discomfort for patients because it exposes the sensitive tooth nerves that make up the dental pulp. Removing dental pulp and filling a cavity addresses this pain and adds structure to worn and damaged teeth.

What Happens During A Root Canal in our Gouverneur Office?

During root canal treatment, our team removes infected pulp and seals the tooth with a dental filling. Before treatment, we apply a local anesthetic that numbs the treated tooth or teeth. While patients may feel some sensation during the procedure, they will not feel pain or discomfort. Root canal treatments themselves also prevent further pain caused by severe dental infections.

Additionally, if patients have a worn or fractured tooth, we can recommend a dental crown to fully cover and protect the tooth after root canal treatment. Crowns also create a more balanced bite and prevent sensitivity. Patients will need to stick to a soft diet and take pain medication after their procedure. However, as they heal, patients will find that they do not experience any tooth sensitivity or pain because of their infection. Treatment from a professional dentist ensures that a root canal is no more painful than any other dental treatment.

If you have severe tooth pain or discomfort, contact Dr. Nicholas Gardner today at (315) 203-1772 or request a dental appointment online. He will help ensure your comfort during the treatment process so you can ultimately save your permanent teeth and prevent further tooth pain. If you have any questions for Dr. Gardner or specific concerns, please let him know at your next visit and he will be glad to help.